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[TRLog] Sending custom messages to the rig

Subject: [TRLog] Sending custom messages to the rig
From: (Udo DL2ZAV)
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 22:39:41 +0200
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jim Smith <>
An: <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. August 2001 02:43
Betreff: [TRLog] Sending custom messages to the rig

> I want to use TRLog to send a message to my rig as per section
> 5.3.1 of the manual (6.56).
> If I were sending directly to the rig using Basic, for the message
> I want I would send CHR$(0);CHR$(0);CHR$(0);CHR$(01);CHR$(05);
> So I need to program a function key with
> I know how to program control characters into function key
> memories but how do you enter a NULL?
> What's this for?  I'm hoping to be able to switch from VFO A to
> VFO B (and back again) on the MkV so I can do SO1.5R

You could try to prepare your command with dummy characters as SRS1=00000,
then exit TR, load your config into an hex editor and replace the zeroes (hex
30) with the five hex bytes of your desired Yaesu command. I think the manual
uses the hex codes, so it is easier to enter it that way.

I do not know if it will work. I once tried programming radio commands, but
gave up on it. It might be that TR did not accept Null characters in the
config file and did weird things after restart. Commands without Null bytes
seemed to be OK as far as I remember.

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