TR Log 6.75 has been sent to the udpate list. If you are on that list,
you will receive it shortly (if not already).
Here are the changes in 6.75:
Version 6.75 - 12 October 2003
- Added ORION Radio type. It mostly works. I have sort of implemented
the RIT SHIFT keys by moving the RIT to fixed values of -200 or +200
when the left or right shift key is pressed.
- Fixed up ARRLSECT.DOM with NT for the VE8/VY1 section name. Note that
you will now have to enter NTEX or NTX for the North Texas section.
- Minor changes to CALQSOW6.DOM to allow MARN and SCV to show up in
Marin and Santa Clara counties. Same for SCV in CALCTY.DOM.
- Removed LEGACY RADIO IO MODE. The program should now work fine without
it. Please report any radio control issues that you see with this
version. There might be some slight performance degradation with
Kenwood radios. Also note that the frequency display on Kenwoods will
disappear if you are continuously tuning the radio. This is because
the radio will not respond to frequency requests while it is being
tuned. When you stop tuning, the frequency display should reappear.
You can increase the KENWOOD RESPONSE TIMEOUT if this bothers you.
However, increasing this will slow down the program if your radio is
off. This can be fixed by disabling polling in the Control-J menu.
- Added 19200 and 57600 baud support to the loopback test (TR LOOPBACK).
- Added SEND ALT-D SPOTS TO PACKET (control-J, default = FALSE). When
you use Alt-D to do a dupe check on the second radio, the program
will automatically generate a packet spot.
ADDER RADIO TWO. The old FREQUENCY ADDER command will set both
radios to the same frequency adder.
- Added ALT-D BUFFER ENABLE parameter (control-J - default = FALSE) to
control Alt-D buffer feature added in 6.73.
- Added UNIXTIME start-up command. Allows you to enter integer UNIX
time and get year, month, day, hour, minute, second, or vis-a-versa.
- Added K1EA STATION ID - which is a character used to identify the
computer on the K1EA network.
- Added K1EA NETWORK ENABLE (default false - control-J) which makes TR
talk K1EAish on the network port. This supports logging, chat and
time sync (receive only). Packet and other commands to be added
soon. If you can hook up packet to CT, start TR with NETDEBUG and
after receiving some spots send me the NETIN.BIN file, it will help
me get the packet stuff added.
73 Tree
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