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To: Tree <>
Subject: Re: [Trlog] LOG.DAT vs. LONGLOG.DAT
From: "Wayne, W0ZW" <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 07:26:29 -0600
List-post: <>
Thanks for the info Tree.  OK then LOG.DAT would have any edited changes made 
using Alt-E during the contest, is that correct?  If this is true then only 
LONGLOG.DAT should be edited and corrected to match LOG.DAT.

I couldn't quite follow the alternate procedure you were describing.  Which 
question say "No" to?  Could not find the "P" command.  It sounds like you are 
describing some kind of Merge which incorporates Freq data into the Cabrillo 
file.  Could you clarify that process please?

I also struggled to create an ADIF file that contained both Received SN and 
Frequency (the TR Log ADIF convert tool incorporates RST but not SN).  The 
solution I came up with was to open LOG.DAT in ADIF Master (yes, it will open a 
LOG.DAT file) then copy and paste the Freq column by opening the TR Log ADIF 
file in another instance of ADIF Master.  Fortunately all the rows lined up and 
the data appeared to be correct.  I used this file to import my contest QSOs 
into DXKeeper.

Now if only LoTW would only come back on-line...

Wayne, W0ZW

On Mon, May 27, 2024, at 11:07 PM, Tree wrote:
> Well - it's complicated.  The LONGLOG file is written when the QSO is 
> made - otherwise, it wouldn't have the full frequency data available.
> I came up with a better way to use LONGLOG I think.  Say no to the 
> question when making the Cabrillo log.  Then use the POST U P command 
> (I think that's right) which will pull the frequencies from the LONGLOG 
> file into the Cabrillo log for the QSOs that it finds match up.
> Tree
> On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 7:31 PM Wayne, W0ZW <> wrote:
>> This past weekend I used TR Log (Linux) to log my entry in the CQWW WPX CW 
>> contest.  Overall I found TR Log quite fun to use and discovered I could 
>> concentrate on operating the contest instead of on the logging software.  
>> However, when it came time to create a Cabrillo log there were many 
>> discrepancies found between the LOG.DAT and LONGLOG.DAT files.  These had to 
>> be resolved before Post would create the Cabrillo file.  In my case the 
>> discrepancies seemed to be mostly from having made edits to the received SNs 
>> by using Alt-E during the contest.  The SN would be one value in LONGLOG.DAT 
>> and another value in LOG.DAT.  Other edits were the occasional call sign or 
>> prefix difference.
>> Why would there be differences between these two files?  Shouldn't edits 
>> made during the contest be consistent across the underlying files?  What did 
>> I do wrong or am not understanding?
>> 73,
>> Wayne, W0ZW
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