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BULL****! Re: [TenTec] URGENT NOTICE: Long Distance E-mail

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: BULL****! Re: [TenTec] URGENT NOTICE: Long Distance E-mail
From: prvalko@oakland.edu (Paul R. Valko)
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 00:20:55 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 4 May 1999, Bob Wilderman wrote:

> CNN reported that in the next two (2) weeks, Congress is going to vote on
> allowing telephone companies to charge for internet access. 

No, CNN did NOT report that.  NO, congress is NOT voting on it.  SHEEZE!


Where is my clue-stick?  Ahhh! here it is, ***WHAP***

ANY message that tells you to pass it along to everyone you know is
pure and simple, internet clogging, BULL****

Ignore it.  

I wish that when they sold a person a PC, they would have to sign a note
saying that they understand a few simple things.

        1 - If you read it on email, it's not true.
        2 - There is NEVER a need to forward a message to everyone
            you know.
        3 - No kid's last wish to to get in the Guiness Book for ANYTHING.
        4 - Nobody wants to see how many emails they can get. 
        4 - No email will erase your hard drive if you read it.
            (Don't even think of replying about macro's to me, 
             you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about)
        5 - You want to MAKE $$$ FAST?  Get a *(&%*@! job.

Does that about cover it?  I sure hope so.

Bob, now that you know, tell the pin head that sent you the message to get
a clue.

Didn't mean to get of on a rant, this is just my little contribution
to society - common sense.

73! =paul= W8KC
Collector of Ten*Tecs and other fine plastics

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