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[TenTec] wide signals

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] wide signals
From: dacalvin@us.ibm.com (dacalvin@us.ibm.com)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 08:27:41 -0600

Amen to your last statement.  I went up to the SSB portion of 10 to grab
some multipliers, and then returned to CW as soon as my ears started
screaming.  10m was really hopping last weekend, and the signals on SSB
ranged from almost inaudible to deafening.  I didn't find any 8 kHz wide
signals, but found several overprocessed & overdriven signals, as usual.
Running the OmniVI+ with the 250 Hz filter on CW is a pure delight!  The
only time someone was "wide" was when I had forgotten to turn the noise
blanker off...

     73,  Duane    AC5AA

Duane A. Calvin
Server Systems Test Engineer
Dept. 76TS   RS/6000 - SP Nodes
IBM Austin, TX      >O<     Tie: 793-3368

Don <don@corporatemedia.com> on 12/14/99 08:05:34 AM

To:   "'tentec@contesting.com'" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject:  [TenTec] wide signals

Perhaps it's only because I am on the air for a limited amount of time
each year (during four major contests & perhaps the 10M & 160M tests),
but I really never encounter these broad, wide signals.

I often get accused of being "too loud" or "way too broad" myself,
however.  And I know my gear's adjusted correctly.  I always chuckle
when someone says I'm pegging his needle and then tells me I'm too wide,
because THAT GUY's also usually 40-50 db over S9.  That's how it works,
on phone.  Of course, no one ever considers that, or the use of
multi-element stacked Yagi arrays & legal limit amps & propagation at
that moment.  It's "you're too wide on my frequency..."

But I digress...that's why CW's more fun!

Happy (ready for the flames) holidaze de Don K4ZA (& hired gun @ N4ZC)

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