> I would rather receive well formed Morse code with a
> little chirp than some of the sloppy stuff I hear.
> Jim W7ANF
Although there is absolutely no chirp in the transmitted CW signal in either
radio, one does hear a slight "fuzz" in back of what
would otherwise be a pure sine wave tone. The effect would be approximately
the same if you were to take a pure sine wave audio
generator and mix it together with a very low-level pink noise source.
On the receive end, you can hear the residual effect if you auto-notch the
incoming CW note on your receiver. What remains is the
pink-noise "fuzz." Personally, I do not find the effect to be problematic: the
keyed waveform of the Jupiter/Pegasus is the best of
any radio, including older Ten-Tecs. Likewise, QSK is very fast and
thump-free...although there's just a slight amount of T/R
clicking, noticeable only in the headphones.
-Paul, W9AC