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Re: [TenTec] OT- E-mail Tax ??? es "double CW note"

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT- E-mail Tax ??? es "double CW note"
From: ac5e@comcast.net
Reply-to: tentec@contesting.com
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 00:36:39 +0000
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Item 1, My secretary turned her radio up as some Congressman was explaining 
that on one of the talk shows yesterday. Probably the Rush Limbaugh program. 

It seems the moratorium on taxing internet traffic expires tomorrow night at 
midnight - when it does expire any state will be able to tax internet content 
that passes through their state. Since most net traffic passes through New 
Jersey, the Garden State expects to rake in enough to pay for all sorts of new 
social programs. As does Texas, California, Arizona, North Dakota, and several 
other states. 

If I heard the man correctly, the House has already passed a bill to reinstate 
the moratorium, and 96 Senators are for it. But  four Senators are holding it 
up. The usual suspects. The ones most in favor new social programs to further 
their political aspirations.

For Item 2: Yes, I have also heard several multi-path CW stations since Ol' 
Sol's gotten the hiccups. If there's some Doppler shift on one of the paths it 
sounds much like two stations sending CW in tandem. I heard similar CW notes  
back in '53 or so - way before the Orion was a gleam in anyone's eye. 

73  Pete Allen 

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