The 580 also has the WARC bands.
It only worked CW and SSB.
In addition to the crystal SSB and CW filters, it also had a 4-pole audio
filter with positions for SSB and CW.
I have a Spec sheet on the 580 (PDF File which is about 400 kB large).
If anyone needs it, I can send it.
I also have the Delta II's brochure in PDF format (about 300 kB).
If anyone needs it, I can send it.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of M. P. Haynes
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Q: Delta I vs. Delta II
Hi Jamie,
I never owned the original Delta 580 but do own the Delta II. The Delta
580 had a permeability tuned oscillator much like the older OMNI's,
Tritons Corsairs, etc. They were noted for their quiet, sensitive
receivers. They covered only the ham bands, probably not including the
WARC bands but I'm not sure of that. The Delta II has a digital
synthesized VFO using Phase Lock Loops in the feedback circuitry. They
are general coverage transceivers listening from 100 kHz to 30 mHz. They
operate on all ham bands including WARC bands (with the exception of the
experimental 50 meter band "channels") on CW, SSB, RTTY, and FM and will
also receive AM. They have a neat, variable bandwidth filter called the
"Jones filter," proprietary to Ten-Tec, eliminating the need to purchase
additional discrete filters. I bought mine used from Ten-Tec about 1993
and have had very few problems with it. I used it mobile for several
years on both SSB and CW and it was great! It and the Scout had the best
noise blankers I ever heard. It is now the primary rig in my secondary
shack! (Bedroom) That reminds me, I need to sell the mobile mount for
it. There weren't many of them made. They had a fairly dimly lighted LCD
display that was backlit using an electroluminescent panel which I
replaced several years ago. Now it is much better, not great, but much
better! I don't think you can go wrong with one for general use. They
get great reports on SSB and CW. The QSK is typical
Pat Haynes-K4BEH
On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 08:14:39 -0700 "jay pea" <>
> What are the differences between the Delta I, model 280, and Delta
> II,
> model 536?
> The only difference I have noted from the "Unofficial TT Pages",
> is the Delta I uses filter boards, and the Delta II has the Jones
> filter.
> TNX,
> NE4TT Jamie
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