Ten Tec told me the way they test the noise blanker for the Scout is to
cycle a relay whose normally closed contact carries the initial power to the
relay coil..
The normally closed contact wires power to the relay coil and when the coil
power is turned on by an external switch, the relay pulls in breaking the
power to the coil. The coil releases the contact and it falls back,
remaking the power connection to the coil. Thus the relay continuously
cycles until you turn off the switch. The sparking of the contacts is used
as their standard of noise to be blanked. They use a short wire on the
antenna coax center connector, (on a banana plug) to act as antenna for
noise pickup for this test. This is easy to replicate with 12 volt supply
and relay near the short antenna wire, and thus you can test your blanker.
There are many noises the blanker will not help, like most "noise limiters"
or blankers on ham radio gear they are best for spark like impulses.
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