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TopBand: power line noise

To: <>
Subject: TopBand: power line noise
From: (
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 10:16:48 -0500

Hi Dave,
Sorry you are having the noise problem and an uncooperative power
The Intermountain Rural Electrical Association here has been very
cooperative, replacing insulators on poles I identify, about once a
year.  I use a broadcast radio to identify the poles. Sometimes I use a
144 multimode rig and portable 7 el beam. With binoculars, I often can
see the carbon discoloration along a crack in the insulator. At night,
I can sometimes see the flashover with binoculars.  I usually spend
many, many hours tracking down specific poles (and often specific
insulators) before asking the IREA to come out.  Then, I plan to be
home that day, and I meet with them pointing out each pole and
insulator and showing them how it effects my portable broadcast radio.
Good luck!
73,  Doug  W2CRS

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