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Topband: Stew Perry from SPb, North Russia

To: <>
Subject: Topband: Stew Perry from SPb, North Russia
From: (Vlad Sidorov)
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 22:06:49 +0300
                            STEW PERRY SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 18-Dec-99, 19-Dec-99

    Callsign Used : RV1CC
         Operator : RV1CC

         Category : Single Operator - HP

         Equipment: rx - R399A, tx - HM, 
                    pa - GU43B tube(700 w). 
           Antenna: 1. Gorizontal Delta loop 340m - 30-35m high.
                    2. Vertical Delta loop 162m - feed point 45m high.

            WW LOC: KO59FV 

             Name : Vladimir Sidorov
          Address : P.O.Box 1
   City/State/Zip : St.Petersburg-Bugry, 188660
          Country : European Russia

        Team/Club : A.L.R.S.(St.Petersburg, Russia)

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   

  160CW       71          71        313 

  Continent List  RV1CC Stew Perry DC 1999

  Euro calls  =     65     
  Afrc calls  =      1     
  Asia calls  =      3     
  Ocen calls  =      2     

  Total calls =     71     

Hello gang!
The propogation wasn't good last Stew contest from
my location. But few interesting long dist. QSOs were
made. VK2OI(new zone for me) - 30 points, VK6VZ - 26, VQ9DX - 17.
After contest I got interesting e-mail from Gus, KH2/K4SXT,
who informed me that my signal was 569 in Guam at my 
QSO with Steve, VK6VZ, but unfortunatelly I didn't hear
Gus because European QRM was too strong.
Nothing heard from USA/NA. Even last ARRL 160m gave me 4 contacts,
but this morning was really bad. Little statistic date(QSOs):

              NA    VE   USA
TBDC'97       -     1    16 
TBDC'98       -     1     2 
TBDC'99       -     -     -  

Thanks a lot for the nice contest, see You in CQ160M 2000!!!

73! de Vlad, RV1CC, in St.Petersburg, Russia, grid KO59FV 

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