Dear Top banders
Look for Kazu, JA1RJU. He will put special efforts for North American
& European top banders from KH0 Northern Mariana.
To: <>
Date:10.Jan-15.Jan 2002
Ant:Dipole(Full sized)
QSL:Via JA1RJU either JARL buro or direct (SAE+ IRC or GS)
""""Do NOT send your QSL to KH0 & KH2 buro.""""
Please note)
*Do not mixed up with AH2K/KH0 who has been operating at present.
*He will also operate other HF bands and 6m, however, he won't stay
much since main purpose of the operation is 160m and this is the
one-man operation.
*Please feel free to send your feedback to
73 de Nob, JF2MBF