Uli wrote:
> Questions:
> Is there anything that could be done to improve the GP towards
> North-West with the existing feedpoint?
> Any chance that the inv-L is better into NW because the GP acts as
> reflector? (Detuning the GP doesn't show any difference)
> If the feedpoint is elevated to the same level as the inv-L (like
> grounded tower feed system by N4KG), would there be an improvement
> towards NW?
> Can elevated radials compensate for irregularities in the ground below them?
> Has anyone a similar problem, and how was it solved?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> 73s Uli, LA0CX
In general, the hat wire on an inverted L will skew the pattern by a couple of
dB. The pattern tends to favor the direction opposite the hat direction. So
if the hat is running NW, the pattern will be skewed to favor the SE.
Likewise, radials will also skew the pattern when mounted on one side of the
tower only. Not by much--maybe a couple of dB. The pattern will generally
favor the direction of the radials. So your 45-270 degree pattern of radials
will generally cause a peak response in the same general direction. With so
many radials down (you don't indicate the ground quality), my guess is that you
would not expect more than a couple of dB of skew.
Could it be that you have a combination of effects that cause the 10dB skew?
The second resonant antenna so close may also effect things a bit. Can you
fabricate a quick way to detune the unused tower remotely? Perhaps an
assistant can help you with an A-B test by manually detuning / tuning the tower
while watching the feedpoint impedance on the other antenna. Any variation in
feedpoint impedance would 'suggest' tight coupling, and therefore would have an
effect on pattern as well. It would take careful modeling of the system to
identify what effect that might be.
My guess is that you have up to three contributing factors. Isolating each one
sounds like a long weekend project--and there may not be a 'fix'.
Good Luck.
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