I now have space with two supports for an inverted-L and need some advice. The
supports are 65 feet high and 100 feet apart, so that the horizontal component
would point pretty much at EU (about 30 degrees). Radials on the ground are
difficult; elevated radials much easier. Whether on ground or elevated, I can
run max.150-foot radials in about 180 degrees (from 0 - 60 deg and 240 - 360
deg) but only about 60 feet in the rest of the circle. I understand I should
maximize the vertical component, but which is better....a 55 foot vertical
component (elevated radials) or a 65 foot vertical component with on-ground
radials)? How will these length limits degrade performance?
Second question... I have the spacers to build the inverted-L components as a
6-wire cage about 3" in diameter, which I understand will give me more
bandwidth.... but, will it negate the extra bandwidth if I don't maintain the
cage at the point where the vertical and horizontal components join? Is
building a cage even worthwhile?
Last question (for now)... This will be my only 160M transmitting antenna for a
while. I do plan to build a receiving loop, and next year I believe I'll be
able to install a 500 - 600 foot beverage. I've been reading that a 0.25wl
isn't necessarily the best length for a 160M inverted-L ... that it's better to
make it somewhat longer. What is the best length, and why?
73, Jerry K3BZ
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