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Topband: strange conditions

Subject: Topband: strange conditions
From: robert briggs <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 21:29:33 +1100
List-post: <>
Many observations over the years show that signal paths vary 
considerably from one area to the other constantly.Within a distance of 
250 miles between two operators their respective signals can take an 
entirely different path to a distant DX station.The same applies to 
receiving signals back from the DX station to the two local 
stations.Therefore station one may be receiving an S9 signal from W4ZV 
while station two only a couple of hundred miles away may be struggling 
to hear the same signal.
It is remarkable how much path variation can occur over a short period 
of time.Sometimes over the period of 10 minutes my signal to W8JI can 
swing through the compass from SW to NE or as last evening Tom was 
receiving me from due South.
This is what 160 meters is all about.Don't try to understand 
it,rather,stay along for the wonderful ride the band provides and all 
the frustration of digging out that next new one.If it was easy and 
predictable then it wouldn't hold much fascination for us Topbanders.
Happy New Year and good DXing 2007.
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