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Re: Topband: Noise during SP

To: Tree <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Noise during SP
From: Merv Schweigert <>
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2007 13:53:40 -1000
List-post: <>

>There was a very interesting noise here.  It came on during my one hour nap
>which was from 0900-1000 UTC.  
I had somewhat the same experience here in KH6,  not sure of the time as I
did not note when it began,  but out of no where the niose floor 
increased to
the point I could not here the normal "atmospheric" noises.  It stayed for
quite some time and then faded down,  but returned again later.  
My Static level also increased to spikes of 20 over 9 after midnite on
"second day".   They also seemed to change rapidly.   Since I had no 
antennas up yet, I have no idea what direction/angle things were happening.
    Interesting to me is what I can hear on the tall vertical,  from 
past experience
with the transmit antenna it was never as good as my beverages or loops,
but this antenna is fairly quiet.  But when I get some beverages up I may
change my mind on that.  Part of this may be due to all utilities 
here, no industry, no neighbors, and salt water takeoff for almost 180
    HNY all,  great contest even if conditions were on the poor side. 
73 Merv K9FD/KH6
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