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Re: Topband: 8 Circle Array Paper - Rev 1

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: 8 Circle Array Paper - Rev 1
From: "David Raymond" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 22:47:12 -0500
List-post: <">>

> Greetings,
> Revision 1 of our paper on the 8 Circle Vertical Array for Low Band
> Receiving is now posted at
> There were changes to include RDF information and also to replace the
> modeling plots over perfect ground with the actual plots over radials.
> A brief section on the switching control unit was added as well as a typo
> Table 5 description.
> Thanks to all for your great comments about the paper. It will continue to
> be a "living document" as we continue to evaluate and add additional data.
> 73 Joel W5ZN
While I expected good S/N performance from the 8 circle array vs. a
conventional Beverage, the most remarkable thing is the absolute signal
levels delivered (and as compared to noise) by the 8 circle array.  The
signal levels recorded by the array as compared to the Beverage on the EY8MM
path are almost astonishing.  I would guess a QSO might have never happened
with the Beverage (well, maybe around 0321z), where the 8 circle array would
be arm chair copy the entire 29 minutes of the recording. . . amazing.

73. . . Dave

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