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Topband: Europrean SDR on 160M

Subject: Topband: Europrean SDR on 160M
From: Bill Tippett <>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 16:39:45 -0500
List-post: <">>

 > Is this DXing ...definitely not BUT it can be done.  One wonders what the
future will hold for us with the advent of these  technologies and

         Frank, if applied to working new ones for DXCC, this is 
simply another (modern) way to cheat.  DXCC rules prohibit this in 
Rule 9, but that won't stop some from doing it anyway.

"9.   All stations must be contacted from the same DXCC entity. The 
location of any station shall be defined as the location of the 
transmitter. For the purposes of this award, remote operating points 
must be located within the same DXCC entity as the transmitter and receiver."

         Cheating has been going on since the Garden of Eden and it 
will continue until the end of this world.  I believe most of us know 
who does and who doesn't cheat, whether it's falsifying QSLs, running 
illegal power, accepting "prompts" during "QSOs", Chat Room / 
Internet QSOs or whatever.  ARRL has done a creditable job of 
removing some cheaters but it's impossible to catch all.  I 
personally have zero respect for anyone who does this.

         Everyone must certify the following on each DXCC or 
endorsement application:

"I affirm that I have observed all DXCC rules as well as all
governmental regulations established for Amateur Radio in my country."

What this means to some is different than what it means to Bill Clinton once said, "It depends on what your 
definition of 'is' is."  :-)

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

"160-meters is a band for men, not for sissies!" - SM5EDX

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