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Topband: THANKS re: freezing antenna wire

To: <>
Subject: Topband: THANKS re: freezing antenna wire
From: "G4GED Dave" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 10:35:29 -0000
List-post: <">>
Thanks to the 5 OMs who responded.
Main suggestion was for looping the wire and running a current thro' it.
Good idea but not really practical in my situation and it wouldn't help the 
nylon halyards.
Next time I have to lower the Inv.L  mast down for maintenance either this 
winter or next fall, I think I'll just try smearing everything with Vasaline 
or silicone grease. It may just reduce the build-up, we'll see?
Will report any significant results on the reflector because I'm sure many 
have this problem each winter.
Fortunately, the current freezing conditions here don't usually last very 
long in this neck of the woods and only coincide with major topband 
DXpeditions! ;-)

HAPPY CHRISTMAS everyone :-))
73 Dave 

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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