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Re: Topband: VK0M on 160m

To: Steve Ireland <>,,
Subject: Re: Topband: VK0M on 160m
From: Jari Jussila <>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 12:03:42 +0300
List-post: <">>
Steve ...

I'm don't know the full history of VK0M 160m activity. But as far as I know, nobody has worked Macca from Europe on 160m during the last 30 years? I hope I'm wrong.
I was in an active contact with the last operator on the island, Trevor, 
VK0TH. He didn't mention anything about any HF rhombic antenna and he 
would surely have used it if it would have been possible. I remember him 
saying that most of the big antennas had been removed for environmental 
reasons. He, in fact, even had some problems to keep the old vertical 
that was left behind by earlier operators not speaking about erecting 
any temporary new antennas. The situation reminds the situation on 
Prince Edward & Marion Is., ZS8, were the big rhombic antennas have been 
removed for same reason.
The old multiband vertical that Trevor used broke at the end of his 
operation and can not be repaired. Trevor used a long wire the last 
weeks and we could work him even on 80m CW.
Trevor used the longwire also on 160m and worked a couple of VK's and 
ZL. He was heard even in KL7 and in Scandinavia but no QSO's were made 
outside VK/ZL.
As far as I understand, there's absolutely no amateur antenna on the 
island at the moment.
I would suggest that VK3PA or his friend contacts Trevor, VK0TH; to get 
good advise for the antennas. If you want, I can provide you with his 
new VK-email address.
Cu no 160m

Jari, OH2BU

On 26.8.2012 13:24, Steve Ireland wrote:
Hi Allan

In the past I am pretty sure the radio amateurs who have taken up the radio
technician position on Macquarie Island have had some access to the
commercial antennas used on the island and used them on 160m.  My memory
(which isn't always good) is that there is an HF rhombic, which has been
loaded up on 160m as an end-fed wire type antenna.

In the past, the problem seems to have been for the operator to find time to
actually operate ham radio much.  My impression is that the job is really

If your friend can get hold of a Spiderbeam 17m fiberglass telescoping pole
to take with him, then that could support an quarter wave inverted-L
antenna, with a sloping top.  If someone could make up a K2AV folded
counterpoise (and matching transformer) that could be rolled up and also
taken with him, then the operator would have a fair 160m signal.  As the FCP
would only be 33 feet long, ANARE may let him put this up?

I guess if there are enough amateurs who were interested in 160m operation
from VK0M and everyone put in a few dollars each, so these items could be
purchased for your friend to take with him, that may be worth a go.

Vy 73

Steve, VK6VZ


Message: 4

Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 17:50:09 -0500


Subject: Topband: VK0M



Content-Type: text/plain;     charset=ISO-8859-1;     DelSp="Yes";


Hi all, hve a ham friend going to VK0M.He will be mainly cw, es he is a
"gud" op can handle dog piles hi hi.. his main Q is wot type of Ant is best
? he can not hve radials or wires up in the air

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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