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Topband: Nested Loops with one feedline results

To: TopBand List <>
Subject: Topband: Nested Loops with one feedline results
From: Herb Schoenbohm <>
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 18:09:24 -0400
List-post: <">>
Several replies to my inquiry on having a closed 80 meter inverted delta loop inside a 160 meter delta loop brought me some nice replies. So I decided to build one for 18Mhz and 24Mhz with the feed going to the outside Delta loop hoping this would properly allow dual band operation with a single feed. The inside 24 Mhz delta was closed and hung inside the fed 18 Mhz antenna. The results showed that it had no impact on the 18 Mhz antenna but the VSWR on 24.9 was unusable. Then I decided to open the 24 Mhz Delta and connect the two wires to the 18 Mhz feed and now have both bands working with a VSRW below 1:2 to 1 on either band. The feed-line for the antenna is RG-213 with a 1/4 wave piece of RG-11 cut for 18 Mhz. I am surprised that the 1/4 wave matching piece did not seem to impact the antenna on 24.9 at all.
I will now proceed to build an 80 meter full wave delta inside my 160 
meter one and rely on the simulation on 18/24 Mhz to get a good match.  
I trust it will work although the ground proximity might have some 
impact on everything.

Thanks for the replies on this.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
Topband Reflector

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