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Re: Topband: 160M Contest

Subject: Re: Topband: 160M Contest
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2013 09:12:25 -0800
List-post: <">>
On 12/6/2013 5:11 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
I'm going to run QRP hoping to complete QRP WAS (I need 6 eastern states), except that I'll go QRO on the outside chance that a new country shows up.
Working east this morning was a complete bust -- only a few signals 
heard around east coast sunrise, and they were all weak. WJ9B/7 couldn't 
even hear me (and he couldn't hear K9AY or K9CT, on whose run frequency 
he was calling CQ for a long time. Maybe fell asleep. I''l try again 
Sunday morning. Did manage to work KL7RA, KH6/KU1CW, and T32RC, all on 
the first call, with some repeats needed.
73, Jim K9YC

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