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Re: Topband: One of those times

Subject: Re: Topband: One of those times
From: Merv Schweigert <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 14:14:42 -1000
List-post: <">>
Yes one thing for sure, its a lot nicer and easier to work em when the
click and call crowd does not even know they are on.
I am on every day from somewhere around 1430 to 1700 and spend
99 percent of the time listening.
Sometimes thats not good as the band is open and no one is transmitting,
so it takes a mix of some cqs and lots of listening,
Gives me some hope for FT5Z.. almost same direction and distance.
73 Merv

FB!  Merv!

Reminds me of years ago, when I worked Jacky, 3B8CF from here in NC on the
very first antenna that I ever built for 160 - an inverted L! Seemed that I
was the only one hearing him, although, Jack, N4JJ jumped in and worked him
right after me!  There's a lot to be said for lots of LISTENING!  It seems
to me that it's a lot like fishing!  How much we catch depends a lot on our
"time on the water"! (Too many, I think, want to be "spoon-fed" DX on packet
clusters and internet!) You were there LISTENING when he showed up! FB!

Charlie, K4OTV

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Merv
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 2:14 PM
Subject: Topband: One of those times

Conditions have been very poor to say the least from KH6 land especially to
EU.  What few contacts I have made have been from a very skewed western

Today was no different, path over the pole at sunrise was not open, I was
sitting on 1823 working on email,  sunrise is 1708Z and suddenly I could
hear a signal starting to come out of the noise.
???BM   8???BM  then clear as a bell 8Q7BM calling cq.  One
call and I had a new one in the log at 1710Z,   he then faded
back down into the noise,  I could hear traces of him for another
20 mins after sunrise,  not enough to copy but knew he was there.

Just one of those top band times when being at the right place at the right
time when the band sounds dead.
Makes up for all the ones I have missed this season.
73 Merv K9FD/KH6

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