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Re: Topband: FT5ZM from South Dakota

To: "Ed Gray W0SD" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: FT5ZM from South Dakota
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:13:21 -0500
List-post: <">>
Congratulations, sounds like another case of high angle N-S propagation


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ed Gray W0SD" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 8:00 PM
Subject: Topband: FT5ZM from South Dakota

All I can say is to not give up. I have heard "ZERO" from FT5ZM on 160 meters up until tonight and have been there every morning and night since they got there. Tonight I heard them for 28 minutes and for about 14 minutes about S-5-6 with a K3. I would say a couple of S-units above the noise. That reading was with the pre-amp off on the K3. They have been good on 80 meters which made it so frustrating I can not hear anything on 160M.
Tonight I could hear them best on my 190 foot high drooping dipole, next 
on my NE beverage and last on the vertical but of course the vertical had 
more QRN.  I worked them using the vertical and listening on the NE 
beverage because at that time I had not figured out I could hear him the 
best on the high dipole.
Obviously I was very excited and started calling as soon as I could copy 
calls.  Anyway I won't go into the details of working him but just wanted 
to encourage people to hang in there. He has been coming in from the north 
according to others and tonight my NE beverage was the best beverage of 
the 4 I have so they were coming from the north.  The difference for me 
appears to be the polar absorption on the path from here.
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