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Re: Topband: Might be a good EU DX night

Subject: Re: Topband: Might be a good EU DX night
From: W7RH <>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 22:43:43 +0000
List-post: <>

Out West conditions to EU were good before Sunset but Spotty. SM5EDX had a good signal at Sunset. LY7Z and RA4LW at times were booming. Then
the band petered out with lots of QRN from Summer like thunderstorms in 
Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.
This morning from the desert SW, RV9CX both CW and FT8 followed by OH5VT 
and OG2M. Not too shabby. Only new Call was OG2M.
I was wishing there were more, several were there if in the right NW 
local. Some weak EU signals could be heard an hour ofter sunrise.
Bob, W7RH


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