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Re: Topband: Frequency Dependant Remote antenna switching

To: Topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Frequency Dependant Remote antenna switching
From: "Larry (K8UT)" <>
Reply-to: "Larry \(K8UT\)" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 10:25:18 +0000
List-post: <>
For those interested in a Do-It-Yourself project that supports Band-Drive or Frequency-Driven antenna control, the freeware program FreqEZ runs as a Windows Console that connects via ethernet or WiFi to a Raspberry Pi Controller and antenna selector.
In Frequency-Driven mode, you define up-to 50 frequency segments that 
control any combination of 16 output relays. For example, if you use 
four narrow-bandwidth verticals to cover the entirety of the 75/80 meter 
band, you would configure FreqEZ to engage the preferred relay(s) in 
each of four frequency ranges. All configuration and definitions are 
done in software - no switches/jumpers/diodes/solder bridges. 
Communication is done with UDP and TCP packets - no messy serial ports.
You can read more about FreqEZ here:

Or watch a short video here:

-larry (K8UT)

------ Original Message ------
From: "VE6WZ_Steve" <>
To: "Topband" <>
Sent: 2019-02-26 14:37:24
Subject: Topband: Frequency Dependant Remote antenna switching

After posting my video link about TX and RX direction switching, I have 
received some emails asking about how I switch my various transmit antennas.

This morning I built another video that describes my frequency dependant 
switching system that uses the Station Master band decoder.
What might be unique about the system I use is the requirement to switch 
multiple frequency segments within each band in order to deal with some of my 
narrow bandwidth antennas.  I require more than just band switching.
I discuss the capabilities of the unit, how it is programmed and how I have 
distributed the control lines to the various antennas.

Perhaps this might give some ideas to others with complex antenna switching 
requirements or those planning a remote. <>

73, de steve ve6wz
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