Spark has been prohibited since 1934. :-)
On 10/6/2019 11:27 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
I need to add a spark gap of some sort onto my full-size 160m insulated-base
tower. Looking for ideas.
Making the spark gap is simple. What has me asking for ideas is the weather
element - we have a lot of snow, ice, rain here and a spark gap needs to keep
that stuff off. But put a little cover over it, right? Well, yes but if the
cover is not fully enclosed, then you have wasps and spiders making nests
there. If it's enclosed, then you have condensation and ants.
I like the idea of W8JI's two balls close to each other - the surface area is
large so accumulated pitting won't change the spacing and thus the BDV much.
And the water will drain off away from the contact points. But what does a
guy make that out of if he does not have a set of brass balls in his junkbox.
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