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Re: Topband: Topband resource

To: Roger Kennedy <>,
Subject: Re: Topband: Topband resource
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 18:08:08 -0800
List-post: <>

On 1/14/2020 4:30 PM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
And there's definitely no radiation from the feeder !  The dipole is fed
with good quality coax, there's a properly constructed 160m choke balun at
the feedpoint . . . and anyway, most of the feeder isn't even vertical, as
it runs horizontally along my loft !

Roger G3YRO

What matters for your feedline is that it has a 50 foot vertical run
altogether.  If it is a "sloper", then that means it is likely
to couple to your dipole and then reradiate, causing polarization
conversion in the process.  You would need a second
choke balun at the ground end of it to prevent that from happening.
It would be interesting to model this and see how much vertically
radiated power there is.

I'm happy for you that the antenna is working well for you,
whatever its polarization.

Rick N6RK
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