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Re: Topband: KM5KG network designer

Subject: Re: Topband: KM5KG network designer
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 15:01:16 -0800
List-post: <>
On 2/10/2021 9:16 AM, Eric Scace K3NA wrote:
More generally, is there a modern software tool available
Hi Eric,

Many of us are using SimSmith for modeling anything that can fit on a Smith Chart. Freeware, mature, runs in Java, imports Touchstone files from measurements and antenna models (in EZNEC, the result of a computation of complex Z and SWR over a user chosen bandwidth). It can, for example, take an antenna measurement made in the shack, subtract out the feedline, then put it back in with a matching network that we design, compute and plot loss from fundamental models of >50 common coax lines. Lots of optimization tools.
73, Jim K9YC
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