I dont agree with you on the conditions, to me the experience was that
the conditions were terrible.
On Saturday morning it was terrible, on Sunday morning it was even worse.
I only worked 104 stations in 28 states, only east coast. That is less
then I worked during some contests in the past solar maximum.
In 2010 I had 194 in 48 states.
Lot of people who take part in contest do that because they like to
contest, not to make regular qso's.
In most contests the purpose is to work as much stations and
multipliers. Working as much stations works best on the higher bands.
Only reason to come on 160 is to work multipliers, and maybe work some
strong stations.
73 Henk PA5KT
Op 22-2-2021 om 12:49 schreef Roger Kennedy:
Well conditions to NA from EU were pretty good over the weekend.
I came on 160m for a couple of hours on Friday Night, and again on Saturday
night . . .
Managed to work a total of 132 NA stations, which I was really pleased with.
That included lots of people that I had never worked before . . . but what
saddens me, is why these people don't come on Top Band when there ISN'T a
Contest !
Roger G3YRO
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