Very well deserved Steve. Congratulations! And thanks for all the work you put
into your videos.
Bill WE5P
Comfortably Numb
> On Oct 13, 2021, at 12:40, VE6WZ_Steve <> wrote:
> Thanks for the cograts, and thanks to Yasme for selecting me.
> I only got an email from Yasme a few days ago telling me about this.
> I am both very surprised and honoured, especially to be alongside those well
> respected past recipients.
> Although I can see the number of views on some of my videos, I am never
> really sure how many guys either watch or get much out of them.
> Indeed there are others out there who are equally deserving and contribute to
> our hobby, many of which are on this list and who have helped me.
> 73, de steve ve6wz
> _________________
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