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Re: Topband: K9FD

To: topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: K9FD
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 16:34:39 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <>
Yeah. K1JT can shove that Nobel Prize where the sun don't shine...

Seriously, he developed the mode, but it was the general Ham population that 
popularized it. They "voted" to operate that mode out of free will, many 
because folks with mediocre stations had very little opportunity to work DX at 
the sunspot doldrums, some because they just didn't enjoy the other legacy 
modes, etc. No one stopped anyone who actually wanted to get on CW (or any 
other mode) from doing so. So "they" didn't ruin 160m, 6m or anything else, for 
that matter. 

It seems bizarre to me to go QRT because of decisions others made, but, 
whatever. It also seems strange to me to assume Ham Radio exists just to cater 
to our particular preferences. 

DXing has always been my favorite Ham Radio interest, so when I heard about an 
organization that's called the "True Blue DXers Club" I joined, it sounded like 
something I would be interested in. But one day I found in my email that the 
"club" wanted its members to take an anti-FT8 loyalty oath, that we wouldn't 
operate that mode, or resign. So, I did. Nuts to that. I wouldn't take an 
anti-CW, SSB, RTTY, moon-bounce or ragchew oath, either.

I am reminded of an old proverb "The Dogs bark, but the Caravan moves on". I 
have had a great time DXing (CW especially) and back in the day, contesting. 
But to me, it would be the height of arrogance to insist that my old ways 
should preclude others from finding their own ways and interests. So yes, let's 
advocate what we do to the new generation of Hams and serve as good example for 
the new guys rather than just disparage them. It's better to plant seeds rather 
than curse the ground.

73, Kevin K3OX

----- Original Message -----
From: "sm6cvx" <>
To: "ok1tn" <>
Cc: "topband" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 1:27:53 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: K9FD


YES Slavek,   I agree 100%.   K1JT and his computer-game has 
completely destroyed 160  and 6 meters and most other bands.
VERY SAD .Its a shame.

Me and many many others has almost gone QRT ,and people stay
away from our hobby.   But we had a lot of fun before FT 8.
Because now almost no Ham radio activity  ONLY FT 8….without 
challange and antennas.
 and no need for operating skills.

Take care and stay safe

SM6CVX  Hans
> 28 sep 2022 kl. 18:47 skrev ok1tn <>:
> Hi to all topbanders.
> K9FD/KH6 was my first and only KH6 station. Merv thus enabled me to get WAS 
> on top band. Thanks for the QSL too. Unfortunately, the days of dx on the 
> top band ended with the expansion of FT8. I am 76 years old and the 
> remaining 4 countries until 300DXCC on TB is probably just a dream..
> -- 
> 73 Slavek Zeler
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