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Topband: 4W8X this morning (NA time)

To: "" <>
Subject: Topband: 4W8X this morning (NA time)
From: David Raymond <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:17:18 -0600
List-post: <>
4W8X was on 1826.5 (listening down 3) this morning making a real effort to get some more NA QSOs in the log.  I got to the rig about 1130z and heard a lot of commotion on 1823.5+/- and saw that his QRG was 1826.5  The stations in the southeast and southern US had the best propagation.  John, W4NU, reported them peaking 579 in Atlanta.  That area clearly had the spotlight.    I listened until 1300z, my SR, as they soldiered on.   They never got above 339 here, copyable most of the time but pretty weak.  They were having some problems hearing but hung in there nevertheless.  It's always a pleasure to listen to an operation with competent and capable CW ops.
73. . . Dave, W0FLS

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