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Topband: T32JV -- Test before Jarvis

To: "" <>
Subject: Topband: T32JV -- Test before Jarvis
Date: Wed, 08 May 2024 22:38:02 -0400
List-post: <>
Hello Topbanders,
I am in T32, Christmas Island. I just got a license to put up a station operate as T32JV. I will be on 160 during the next three nights (starting on tonight, May 9). Christmas Island is the closest land to Jarvis and for those who need Jarvis this may be a good opportunity to see what signals are like from this region. This time of the year is equally poor time for 160 as August, so this may be a good test to see what to expect.

I will be on the air on 1827.5 (+-) shortly after my SS around 0500 Z and then again around NA SR 1000 Z. Will also try 80 m.

GL and 73,

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