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Re: Topband: N5J (Jarvis) on 160 m

Subject: Re: Topband: N5J (Jarvis) on 160 m
From: Michael Walker <>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 08:06:42 -0400
List-post: <>
thanks, George.

This morning in ve3 land There was enough signal to work you just as the sun 
started to rise here.

 The QSB was pretty bad, at least for me and I could not hear you on either 
beverage at all. Maybe I have a problem there I need to go look into.

The APF on the 6600 a lot to pull you out of the noise. 

Thanks for the new country on 160 and overall

mike va3mw 

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 5, 2024, at 5:18 PM, GEORGE WALLNER <> wrote:
> Hello Top-Banders,
> The N5J DXpedition is planning to go QRV on Aug 7 (maybe 8th on 160 if there 
> are WX issues).
> While Aug is not the best time to work KH5 on TB, this is the only time we 
> got. To make it easier to work us, here are some key points:
> We will have only one station capable of 160 m (what we call Local 1). The 
> time of the year and the cycle favor the high bands and there will be demand 
> for Local 1 on other bands. Therefore the station will be on 160 only during 
> certain times of the night: At our SS from 0600 to 0645 Z, for NA SR from 
> 0800 to 1000 and if conditions warrant, at our SR for a possible East. EU 
> opening at 1600. (Otherwise 80 m.) After 1000 we will stay on 160 if traffic 
> warrants, otherwise we will QSY to 80. These times will likely change as we 
> gain experience with the conditions.
> Note for NA stations: Don't wait for your SR. From about 1000 JA stations 
> will start coming in with possibly strong signals. You will have a better 
> chance before 1000 and that is why we will start early at 0800.
> Most of you know this, but...: When you hear your correct callsign and 5NN, 
> just reply with 5NN. Don't send your call because it will create uncertainty. 
> Also, when calling, it is better to send you call twice, especially if 
> conditions are poor and the pile-up is dense. Also, we are likely to have a 
> lot of TS noise (you too, probably).
> There is more information on our web-site:
> GL and CU on TB!
> George,
> PS: We will stay on 160 past 0645 if we have a continuous stream of EU 
> callers :-)
> _________________
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