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Re: Topband: 160m Noise Level

Subject: Re: Topband: 160m Noise Level
From: Michael Tope <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 15:40:42 -0800
List-post: <>

I don't believe that is necessarily true, Roger. If the noise it truly omni-directional, a directional receive antenna can still increase SNR because it increases the amount of signal captured compared to the amount of noise captured. The reason for this is that for omni-directional noise, the increase in directivity robs Peter to pay Paul, so the total noise power received remains constant whereas the increased directivity (assuming it is in the direction of the desired signal) increases the desired signal power received.

OTOH, if you have a dominant noise source in the direction of the desired signal, you are out of luck unless you can take advantage of difference in polarization the way that N4IS does with his horizontal waller flag.

73, Mike W4EF.....................

On 11/27/2024 1:44 PM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
However, the general noise level EVERYWHERE here in Britain is around S7
these days - that's on 160m 80m & 40m. That's in an SSB Bandwidth, and with
an accurate S Meter. And because the noise comes from every direction, no
phasing unit or directional receiving aerial will help reduce it.

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