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Re: Topband: Comparison of Vertical Arrays for Low Band Receiving

Subject: Re: Topband: Comparison of Vertical Arrays for Low Band Receiving
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 12:58:09 -0800
List-post: <>
On 1/14/2025 12:13 PM, wrote:
Thanks. No, I did not have preamps at the feed point of the Beverages.

Is the sensitivity of a one wavelength Beverage low enough that a preamp at the feedpoint is needed? Loss in decent coax is pretty low at 2 MHz, and where I live, electronic noise has gotten high enough that I can't imagine it being a limitation. My reversible one wavelength Beverages (one EU-VK, the other SA-JA) point to noisy homes facing EU and JA, so they've become next to useless.

My 8 acres are in a dense redwood forest, with terrain that varies by at least 50 ft in elevation, so any of these vertical arrays are out of the question. I am finding some benefit from an array of two VE3DO loops spaced 5/8 wave, but one of them is quite close to the noisy EU home, and points at it. :) I'm phasing it with an NCC-1, which allows me to shift the pattern between northern EU and New England.

73, Jim K9YC

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