*"Hunting Down RFI Sources in and out of Your Shack" Part Two *
*(Part One was at our September meeting and is on the Club's YouTube
*By Mike Martin - K3RFI, *owner of RFI Services, a firm dedicated to
identifying sources
of Radio Frequency Interference affecting both residential & commercial
*Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025*
*Where: Internet ZOOM Meeting*
*Time: Informal chat starts at 6:00 PM CST, Business Meeting at 6:30 PM
CST, Program at 7:00 PM CST.*
*UTC Time: Informal chat starts at 0000z 12 Feb, Business Meeting at 0030z
12 Feb, Program at 0100z 12 Feb.*
*Guests and Visitors are always welcomed!*
*Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on the link:*
Hope to see you all on Zoom, Tuesday evening.
*Kevin Shea, N9JKP*
*President, Madison DX Club*
*n9jkp@arrl.net <n9jkp@arrl.net>*
Meeting ID: 856 155 4523
Passcode: 198101
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Meeting ID: 856 155 4523
Passcode: 198101
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb5zKAeXTl
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