Considering the crazy solar indices, contest condx here on 160 were
surprisingly good. With my piddling station I worked 23 EU the first night,
and even with the horrendous static crashes the second night, an additional
6 EU stations. There were at least another 15 EU stations I copied that
couldn't copy me. Working condx here: ~800 Watts, Inv-L, LOG/Pixel Loop RX
Even after 42+ years wallowing in the 160 M sandbox, I am still surprised at
how capricious Topband can be. Especially how fleeting the "spotlight" can
be. In retrospect, I'm also amazed at how tenacious (Please read
"stubborn.") I can be. If you can imagine, I notched 186 DXCC from a 120' x
120' city lot in Fresno. That's a LOT of stubborn! And a LOT of blood, sweat
and tears!
Thanks to all the hard workers who pulled me out of the muck!
Enjoy the rest of TB season.
Jim - WS6X
-----Original Message-----
From: Topband <> On Behalf
Of Roger Kennedy
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2025 3:31 PM
Well I came on 160m around 0120Z on Friday night . . . only managed to hear
and work 7 NA stations.
Came on a couple of hours later, couldn't hear anyone else, and could barely
copy the stations I had worked earlier.
Saturday had a quick listen a couple of times during the night . . . only
copied one NA station !
So 160m DX conditions continue to be really poor . . .
Roger G3YRO
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