To add some 160m 'Westcoast" DX-encouragement, yesterday (March 6) I had CW
QSOs with Karel OK1CF, Al LY7M and Stig OZ4MM.
Last night (March 7) OK1CF, OZ4MM, RX3APM, SM5EDX and LY7M all answered my CQ.
All with good signals on the QSB peaks. spite of the solar peak and elevated geo-mag, there are still some
signals from Europe bubbling over the pole.
Because of family commitments, I will only be casually participating this
weekend but will look to hand out a few QSOs.
73, de steve ve6wz
From: Topband <> on behalf of
TreeN6TR <>
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2025 11:22 AM
To: 160 <>; CQ-Contest Reflector
Subject: Topband: Sprint Stew Perry coming up tomorrow
The Spring Stew Perry starts at 1500Z on March 8th and runs for 24 hours.
There should be lots of CW signals on 160 meters to work. Exchange your
four digit grid square.
Rules and previous results here -
73 Tree N6TR / K7RAT
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