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[TowerTalk] matching and resonance

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] matching and resonance
From: (carl d henson)
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 19:13:58 EST
I have just put up a full wave loop on 160.  I fed it directly with 50
ohm coax.  A loop is suppose to be approximately 100 ohm antenna and I
figured 2:1 wasn't such a bad match.  Well, it doesn't as good as a
dipole that I had up in another location.

Part of my reason for feeding this antenna this way was because I must
live with just one or two wire antennas for a short while and I wanted to
use the antenna on higher frequency bands with the built-in antenna
tuner.  I know that I could use a 1/4 wave length transformer of 75 ohm
cable and make the match better on 160.  How would that effect using it
on upper bands?  I took down the feed point today and replace the dipole
center insulator with a 4:1 balun.  That seems to make the radio happier
over a wider range of frequencies, but I have always heard that you
should not use a tuner with a balun.  However, I doubt that this KLM KW
balun would be bothered by the minor amount of power put out by my
TS-450.  What about using the 1/4 wave transformer, and then a matching
stub for the next band up that needs it?  Should I use an open stub or
closed stub?  How do I figure how long it needs to be?


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