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[TowerTalk] R7 updates ??

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] R7 updates ??
From: (rhill)
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 15:38:19 -0400

Ted Boerkamp wrote:

> after going
> over the instruction manual and comparing measurements
> with the actual vertical, i have found a descrepency with
> one piece of aluminum tubing labelled "AE" on page 5 of the
> instruction sheets....the piece located at measurement "E"
> is actually already 18 inches long and the measurement
> according to my sheets should be only 16 inches...has anyone
> else experienced this situation....the other piece labelled "AE"
> lower down at "D" measures 14 inches so its fine....did CC make
> some kind of update to this vertical?? There is no 18 inch aluminum
> tubing in the parts instructions are dated 7/93...
> i have also noticed that the 20m trap does not resemble what is
> shown in the manual...the matching tubing across the trap is in a
> "U" config where the ends(tips) are at the same level(like the 17m
> trap but facing up) where the manual shows one end lower than
> the other.....any comment or suggestions wud be appreciated...

Ted: My R7 (from 1992) performs very well. The 20 meter trap that is on mine is
u-shaped and not straight like the 17m trap.  As for the tubing of 18" I can
only remember that some of the tubes are inserted into the other ends of
tubing. Perhaps the 2 inches are for the insertion at each end of the tube?
Did you purchase the antenna new or used? If the swr is intermittent I would
think that you might have something else besides alignment problems of the
traps.Bob n8wfl

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