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[TowerTalk] Stealth Antennas

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Stealth Antennas
From: (Wes Cosand)
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 22:59:29 -0500

I would think if the roof is clay or cement tiles then an attic antenna 
might work OK.

Or you might mount a doublet under the eaves at a gable end with the center 
insulator just at the peak.  If it isn't too conspicuous and you want a 
longer antenna, then run the wires around the corners and down the length 
of the building on each side.  Some quite professional installations use 
one of the automatic solid state tuners mounted right at the center 
insulator at the gable peak (or on the interior side of the gable 
wall).  Or else mount a balun (4:1?? if you are going to force feed a non- 
resonant doublet) and run a short length of RG-213 to a tuner in the shack.

Maybe somebody else has a better idea.

Wes, WZ7I/3

At 09:34 01/03/06 , you wrote:
>Although a bit off the topic, I would appreciate the collective wisdom of
>the assembled:
>I recently moved from Maine to Arizona and am currently "between towers."
>The plan is to build a tower farm on a 10 acre plot that I purchased in
>Central Arizona; more on that later. Today's challenge is that I want to put
>up something here at the main (wife's) QTH to use in the interim and
>whenever I am stuck here. HF is the only interest and 10, 15 &/or 20 would
>be all that I need. I would run 100W or so (the Alpha is in storage).
>The QTH is in a VERY tightly controlled CC&R development so whatever I due
>must truely be stealth. I was thinking a low dipole under the back eaves or
>possibly a mobile antenna. A vertical would be too obvious. I'm not sure
>that an attic antenna will work because the house has tiles for a roof
>covering. There are no gutters & there is no possibility of a flagpole. The
>property & the back yard are relatively small.
>Anyone have any experiance in a similar situation or have any ideas? Wild
>ones are OK. Are there any books available on this topic? Thanks in advance.
>Bruce, K1MY/7
>Sunny Sun Lakes, Arizona
>where today it is 75 degrees again
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