"Stan Stockton" <k5go@alltel.net> wrote:
>On Kurt's website he makes the following observation referring to a tower
>that is mounted on a pier with the equivalent of a ball socket mount:
>"Putting the tower on a free base connection has allowed us to increase the
>antenna loads by 49%."
> I am interested in a practical means of achieving this type of free
>rotating base. Will be out of town for 8 days, but will be interested to see
>if someone has a good, practical way of achieving this.
IF the Rohn flat plate were strong enough, one could simply place a
small spacer, like a large nut, around the pin & under the plate.
So the obvious solution would be to beef up the Rohn plate to an
appropriate thickness. I would guess 3/4" would do it for normal
ham installs. Kurt?
Steve K8LX
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