On Sat, 02 Jun 2001 14:44:00 +0000, alsopb wrote:
>"Having an antenna which will require you to bolt your transmitter to
>the table less it be drawn up into the antenna along with the rest of
>the RF should raise the signal at the receiving station by 6db. This
>is exactly what the SPYDERCONE ANTENNA will do!
Would ordinary steel bolts do, or should they be specially hardened ones? How
about stainless steel for people living near the coast? Or maybe you don't need
bolts at all - just mix up a big gob of epoxy and set your transmitter down on
For portable operations, you can set a couple of cement blocks on top of the
transmitter, or for QRP, one ordinary brick should do just fine.
It was announced at Dayton that Kenwood/Icom/Yaesu are bringing out new rigs
with one large, centrally located bolt hole which goes all the way through from
top to bottom, a system they call "Single Security Bolt", or "SSB". Critics
with too much time on their hands point out that most rigs already have SSB, but
pay them no attention. We REAL hams know progress when we see it!
By the way - don't attempt to add SSB to your existing equipment. I've tried it
on all my rigs here and the results were somewhat unsatisfactory, perhaps due to
the 3/4" drill bit I used. While "antenna sucking" is no longer a problem at my
QTH, transmitting and receiving seem to be much less effective than before.
And I'm running out of fuses, too.
73, Bill W7TI
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