Can't speak for every area but I went to a bunch of places around here (west
Chicago suburbs): Radio Shack, a few hardware stores and Home Depot to
round up ground rods last fall. I found three types: 10' copper clad, 8'
copper clad and 8' glavanized. The 8' Cu were the most common. For those,
prices ranged from almost 20 bucks each at RS to $8.50 at Home Depot which
also had the biggest supply. HD also had the galvanized 8' ones for $6.50.
>From my experience, if you have a HD near you see what they have--you might
save some money. The 10' rods were at a local non-chain hardware store.
They were thinner than the standard 8' rods so I did not buy them because I
was afraid they'd hit a rock and bend. My QTH is near a river in an old
developed part of town so there's a lot of crud buried a foot or two below
the grass--bricks, chunks of cement, big rocks. Makes sinking guy anchors,
masts etc. lots of fun.
Rob Atkinson
St. Charles IL
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