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[Towertalk] KLM 80M specs

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] KLM 80M specs
From: (Howard Brainen)
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 01:35:42 -0000
Does anyone have a manual...or just a drawing, of a KLM 80M dipole?  A 2 =
or 3 element 80M KLM would also work.  I need to rethink the mounting of =
mine (go from mast mount to tower mount) and can't find the manual.  =
Since it's up 150' in the air, it's hard to plan the whole thing out in =
advance without some drawings.  Put it up 10 years ago and just don't =
remember how big the insulator is between the two element halves.  Any =
help would be greatly appreciated.

73, Howard WZ6Z

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