I agree the HOFI HOSCHA remote switch is great. We sold a dozen back in the
early and mid 1990's at Electronic Switch. Mr. HOFI is hard to deal with so
you must get them direct. He did have a web page that also includes the
remains of the Fritzel antennas. HOFI also makes excellent 5 position
manual coax switches (I have the PL259 and N versions). There is NO
crosstalk with them as there is with the cheaper alpha delta and the like
switches! However
buying a switch with lightening protection is a joke....no metter what is
advertised its cannot be done!!!!
73 Dave K4JRB
> Don´t forget the German HOSCHA switch.
> I have a Hoscha 2000 switch that measures:
> 30 MHz 42 dB return loss, isolation 54 dB
> 145 MHz 35 dB return loss, isolation 41 dB
> 435 MHz 35 dB return loss, isolation 35 dB
> Insertion loss 0.03 dB or better.
> Will handle very high power and the cost is
> around 200 dollars.
> Does dow-key/Transco really have remote
> rotary switches with that huge isolation.
> The only Transco relay I know of with that
> high isolation is their SPDT koax relay, well
> it´s sort á SPDT really.
> 73 Jim SM2EKM
> PS: Hoscha 2000 is 5 position remote motor driven switch.
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