I field upgraded my C3 to the E model -- just an extra element on
10....spoke with Tom, n6bt himself when I bought the add-on kit....as I
recall, he explained it won't increase the gain much but does improve the
F/B ratio a lot.
I haven't notice the different, certainly didn't hurt the antenna
performace, but I'm still glad I did the mod and would do it again!
By-the-way, I installed the extra element while the antenna was on the
tower!!! REALLY!
73 and good luck....
>From: "Barry Kirkwood" <bjk@ihug.co.nz>
>Has anybody had an opportunity to compare the Force 12 C3-E with the other
>C series with two elements on 10m?
>Would appreciate any comments.
>Am considering upgrading my ant to C3E as I expect the exra element would
>be a help with weak sigs on 10m
>73 es tnx in advance,
>Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
>Signal Hill Homestay
>66 Cory Road
>Palm Beach
>Waiheke Island 1240
>ph/fax 64-9-372-5161
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