I have the test book and enjoy reading very much- But since the book comes up
so frequently for a reference here on TT, I have a question relating to my
confidence in the results.
Withoug giving away the farm, is there any reason why the book only tested
antennas on a ground wave level vs actual DX performance?
While common sense states that local test range data has a relation to DX
performance, one could also point out that a vertical antenna is going to be
heard much louder than one laying horizontal, locally, but that perhaps over
DX distances, the horizontal antenna will far out perform the vertical.
Taking this example further, could the same be said for the DX performance of
the various vertical designs tested if one compared their local performance
to that of their DX performance? That is, antenna A gets a poor report on
your test range but is heard well in YA while the antenna with a great local
signal is not audible at the same DX location-
Are you all planning any future studies comparing DX rather than local test
results comparisons? The studies are awesome but I wonder if they would be
enhanced by this effort-
73 Paul N0AH